Policy on Medicines
The parent whenever possible should administer prescribed medicines.
If medicines are given by Pre-School the following procedures are to be followed.
Only essential medicine will be administered.
Please note at the present time we ask parents/carers on arrival if their child has been given any medicine that can mask a temperature, this is any medicine that contains paracetamol or ibuprofen. This is due to Covid symptoms being masked.
If your child has any covid symptoms i.e., High temperature, persistent cough or loss of taste and smell. Please seek a PCR test and email the results to ormesbypreschool@yahoo.co.uk. Please follow government guidelines on isolation.
Procedure for Medicines and Immunisations
The medicine must have been prescribed by the child’s own doctor, dentist, nurse, or pharmacist, and must be in the original bottle and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration.
Please allow 24hrs from the medicine or immunisations to take effect before bringing your child back to pre-school. However, Non-prescription medicine such as piriton, calpol etc. for allergy related conditions or extreme temperatures or teething, will be given under discussion. The Pre-School can refuse to administer non-prescription medicines.
Medicines are kept in a secure place with access only by member of staff.
The container must be clearly labelled with the name of the child, the name and dose of the medicine, and the frequency of the administration.
Where a child needs two or more prescribed medicines each should be in a separate container. Medication that needs to be stored in the fridge the bottle should be, clearly labelled.
Ormesby Village Pre-School will not accept medicines that have been taken out of the container as originally dispensed nor make changes to dosage on parental instruction.
Parents are expected to fill out and sign, an Administer Medicines form stating type of medication and dosage as written on the bottle.
Children will only be given medicines if they take it willingly, no pressure will be exerted on the child. If the situation arises where the child will not take the medicine, the parents will be asked to come in and give their own child the medication.
When medicines are administered they will be witnessed by another member of staff. No medicine is administered without a witness. The witness will sign the ‘Administering Medicine’ form.
If medicine is administered, the parent will be informed of the time / dosage and asked to sign the ‘Administering Medicine’ form when the medicine is returned.
Parents are responsible for the disposal of medicines. All medicines are to be returned at the end of the day or the end of each term. If not collected they will be returned to the pharmacy for disposal.
When trips are taken away from the Pre-School, medical needs of the individual will be taken into account and discussed with the parent / carer.
Long term Medicines that are kept at Pre-School and administered at the discretion of the staff - Parents will sign a form stating the dose, and then they will be asked to sign when medicine is administered.
In the event of a fire drill or evacuation from the school, the named member of staff will be responsible for taking medication with them.
Children with long term complex needs will have a care plan which will be monitored by the identified person and the child’s key worker.
If training is necessary in administrating medicines, training will be given.
Medicines can be dispensed on outings as written down in the policy.
Staff will be expected to fill out a form when taking medicines.