Inclusion Policy

Values and Visions

We are an inclusive practice, we accept all children and families from different backgrounds, at our pre-school, with all sorts of language, thoughts, play etc. We work with all children and families providing guidance, modelling positive language which we feel is appropriate and kind.

Every family has different views on exposure to language and up bringing, we do not encourage inappropriate language and play, and we work hard to keep all language and play within pre-school as kind and age appropriate.

We work with Norfolk County Council Early Years and follow any advice given.

 We work with individual or small groups of children as necessary to support them.

We actively promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental, and physical development of our children, and seek to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences of later life.

Ormesby Pre-School believes that no child, individual or family should be excluded from the Pre-Schools activities on the grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, transgender, class, family status, means, disability, heritage, ethnic origins, culture, religion or belief.

We adhere to the Equality Act 2010

All information will be conveyed in different languages when necessary

Bilingual / Multilingual children and adults are an asset to the whole group. Parents will be encouraged to speak to children in their first language.

Children and parents who have English as a second or additional language will be valued, and their languages recognised and respected in the Pre-school.

The Pre-School is open to every family

All children will be respected, and their individual needs recognised, valued, and nurtured. ‘An Environment’ will be created to give our children a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of our multi-racial society. We celebrate all occasions especially those that apply to children in our care.

Working in partnership with parents, children’s dietary, medical and cultural needs will be met.

Discriminatory remarks/behaviour are not acceptable in Pre-School.

The response will aim to be sensitive to the feelings of the victim and to help those responsible understand and overcome their prejudices.

Pre-School will promote positive attitudes to diversity and differences in children

Pre-School will monitor its practice and have regular meetings to improve practices and procedures.

The ENCO will find ways to take account of the needs of the whole family and to create an environment and atmosphere in which everyone is free to participate.

We celebrate multi-cultural occasions, but we also celebrate saints’ day, birthdays, new shoes, pets, and anything we can celebrate increasing children’s and family’s awareness and understanding of different communities.

As a Pre-School we recognise that the parents are the children’s first educators, and we actively encourage their involvement to ensure that. We promote anti-discriminatory practices further ensuring equality for all.

Children will have equal access to a full range of activities.

The Pre-School offers a flexible payment system for families with different means.

We constantly strive to remove any forms of indirect discrimination that may form barriers to learning.

Monitor and track the progress of children with SEN and develop staff knowledge and skills when supporting them.

We monitor and analyse children’s achievements individually as well as cohort year, gender, and term birth, and act on any patterns in the data that show a child needs additional support or a higher achiever.


Equal Opportunities Policy Statement to our Staff

Ormesby Pre-School is committed to the principles and practices of equal opportunities. The Pre-School wishes to provide equal opportunities to all in employment, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age, nationality, national origin, sexual orientation, transgender, marital status and social class. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

Every employee is entitled to a working environment which promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.

The commitment to equal opportunities in Pre-School is good management practice and makes sound business sense.

Breaches of the Pre-Schools equal opportunities policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.

All employees will be treated fairly and equally. Selection for promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability.

As an employer, all job applicants will be assessed according to our policy. No applicant will be rejected on grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, transgender, class, means, family status, disability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion or belief.

The policy is fully supported by the Pre-School Committee.